Learn more about your clients with consultation forms
Consultation forms are essential for personal trainers to gain a deeper understanding of their clients. Prior to commencing any training sessions, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive physical assessment and gather insights into their dietary habits and lifestyle.
Moreover, these initial consultations serve as an opportunity to establish a positive rapport with the client. Engaging in conversation during this assessment often reveals valuable information about the client's work, family, and social life, which further informs the trainer on how best to support them in their journey towards a healthier lifestyle transformation.

In the realm of online training, establishing rapport can pose a challenge, especially when interactions primarily occur through email or social media, unless supplemented by Skype or Zoom assessments.
Hence, it becomes imperative to gather comprehensive information about the client and their lifestyle from the outset. The most effective approach to acquiring this information is by simply requesting it directly from the client.
The more you can find out about your clients right away the better. It saves you having to ask later and will also help you be more effective for them in the long run. Doing the little things to make your service stand out from the rest of the online trainers of the world can be key to creating a thriving business.
Initial consultation forms
Initial consultation forms typically cover basic information such as past and current medical history, age, height, weight, and more. However, considering the multitude of factors influencing one’s health and fitness, it’s crucial to delve deeper and win clients’ long-term trust. Here are some sample questions to include in your intake form. Note: These examples offer just a glimpse of the extensive range of inquiries you can incorporate to gain comprehensive insights from your clients.
Work Life: Inquire about the nature of their occupation, including job type and responsibilities. Explore their work schedule in detail, including the number of days per week and hours per day devoted to work commitments.
Probe into the duration of their daily commute to gain insight into potential time constraints and stressors. Assess their stress levels related to work, inviting them to share any particular stressors or challenges they encounter in their professional environment.
Social & Family Life: How many meals per week do they eat out? How many alcoholic beverages do they consume on an average week? Do they feel they have a solid support system? Current family/living situation or anything they feel might affect their training?
Nutrition: Delve into their perception of energy levels on a consistent basis, encouraging them to rank it accordingly. Explore their habits regarding smoking to better understand its potential impact on their health and fitness goals.
Inquire about their daily water intake to assess hydration levels and promote optimal health. Additionally, ascertain if they are presently using any dietary supplements, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of their nutritional habits and supplementation practices.
Physical Activity: Current overall activity level? Current fitness regimen (if any?) Where will they be working out? How much time can they realistically commit to exercise? What type of equipment do they have experience using or have access too?
Enhance your understanding of your clients right from the start by incorporating these questions into your initial assessment. Delve deeper into various aspects of their lives to build rapport and gather valuable insights that will inform your training approach and support their journey towards a healthier lifestyle.